Lived in Color™ Hair color by Johnny Ramirez
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How I got over my hair anxiety and colored my hair for the first time ~ Cosmopolitan
Hands down my favorite hair colorist to follow is Johnny Ramirez(@johnnyramirez1), whose hair transformations I stalk on the reg ever since I found the most perfect Pinterest hair photo of my life on Pinterest forever ago. Johnny, one part of the L.A.-based Ramirez-Tran salon, coined the term and technique called Lived In Color ™, which basically […]
The Colorist: blond ambition with Johnny Ramirez ~ Fab Beauty
What is it about blonde hair that embodies everything that is good and right in the world? Summer, seaside surfer babes and sunny dispositions to name a few stellar associations. Makes sense then that Johnny Ramirez, the superstar Los Angeles-based colorist is always busy with his regulars, including golden girls Jessica Alba and Kirsten Dunst. Ramirez built his […]